
英語によるビジネス会議やプレゼンテーションで使える表現を身につけよう。 ”クール”と言わせるズバリ表現を紹介。● EMBRACE      

✔ Preparation for English Study in the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
✔ Vocabulary and phrases for making English presentations.
✔ Useful English Phrases for Running Business Meetings.






Source Reduction Pre-cycle, Reuse, and Recycle



Barba   My closet is full of stuff.  What an unapologetic pack rat I am.


Lin        Can I see it?  I’m sure that I can find just the right size for me.


Rei        You must put clothes away after you try on.


Barba   I wish I can give away all of them to someone who may need.  But, I can’t stand to throw them out …… I may still need them sometime.

              誰か必要な人に全部あげることができたらいいのにね。でも捨てるのは嫌だわ ・・・・・ まだ必要なときがあるかもしれないし。

GG        First and foremost, buy less!  If all the other people on the Earth used as much "stuff" as we do in this country, there would need to be three to five times more space just to hold and sustain everybody....


Barba   WOW! So, buy only what we need and use all of what we buy. Or make sure that when we are through with something, we pass it along to other people who can continue to put it to good use.


GG        This is especially important when it comes things that can be dangerous to our environment, such as paint and chemicals.


Barba   The same is true of plastic waste.  According to the news last Tuesday, a dead sperm whale washed up on a beach in a national park in Indonesia had nearly six kilograms of plastic waste.


Lin        That’s so sad.


GG        It’s time to start making wise "package" selections. Why is it important to consider how something is packaged when you consider what to buy?


Lin        You can reduce waste by selecting products that are not wasteful in their packaging.


Rei        Flashy and fun packaging costs more, usually adds little or no value to the product, and can do considerable harm to our environment by creating more waste or waste disposal difficulties.


Barba   Keep the following package-related tips in mind no matter what you are buying:

Number 1: Pre-cycle by purchasing products in materials/packaging that can be readily recycled. So, whenever you have a choice, put plain and recyclable packages high on your list to reduce packaging waste in our environment.

Number 2: Avoid single-serve containers. You can buy juice or water in large recyclable bottles or cans and then divide it up in reusable, washable containers as you need it at home or to take with you. And if you want to take juice or water with you on your bike rides or to the gym, just take it along in your own reusable sports bottle.




GG        Before you buy bottled water, first find out if you really even need bottled water. City water is usually just as healthy, much cheaper, and may even be safer than bottled water products.


Barba   Number 3: Refuse store bags! When you buy one or two items at a store, carry them out in your hands; or take a reusable bag with you to carry the items you buy. And don't forget to take your old plastic trays and paper milk containers back to the grocery store for reuse or recycling. Most grocery stores have convenient paper and plastic recycling bins located near the entrance.


GG        to make something smaller or use less, resulting in a smaller amount of waste. "Source reduction" is reducing waste before you purchase it, or by purchasing products that are not wasteful in their packaging or use.


Barba   A key part of waste "reduction" is "conservation"—using natural resources wisely, and using less than usual in order avoid waste. You can practice reduction by selecting products that do not have to be added to landfills or the waste stream in general. This is really easy to do...

              ゴミを「減らすこと」の大切な部分は「自然保護」にあるのよ。自然の資源を賢く使ってゴミが出ないようにいつもより少なく使うことよ。商品を選ぶことでゴミを減らすことができるわ。そうすれば、埋め立て地に混ぜたり、通常の廃棄物処理を増やしたりしなくてすむわ。ほんとうに簡単なことなんだけどね ・・・・。







Atmosphere and Health



Barba   A great day.  Warm sun, blue sky, puffy clouds.


Rei        I feel like painting a blue sky and puffy clouds with watercolors.


GG        Yes, I know you are a good painter, Rei.  The sky is richly blue overhead. As the sky approaches the horizon, it becomes lighter and warmer. 

when you look up at the sky, you are seeing part of the Earth's atmosphere. The atmosphere is the layer of air around the Earth. Air contains nitrogen, oxygen, and other gases like carbon dioxide, water vapor and ozone.



Barba   Almost all the gas around our planet is in a thin layer that is about 100 km high. This is the same distance that we might travel on a highway if we drove for an hour.


Lin    It’s a lovely day for a drive, today.


GG        Have you ever noticed how warm a car can get inside when it's parked in the sun? Light energy from the sun goes through the windows and is trapped as heat inside the car. The same thing happens on Earth, except that some gases, like carbon dioxide, act like the car windows and hold heat inside.


Lin         It's a good thing that they do, because otherwise Earth would be a lot colder!  The only problem is that we are putting extra heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere. This might make the Earth get warmer.


Rei          If the Earth gets even a little bit hotter, the climate in many different parts of the world could change. Some places would get warmer and drier. Other places might get more rain. This would affect farms, forests, wildlife—just about everything on the planet.


GG          Sunlight passes through the clear atmosphere and warms the Earth's surface.  The Surface gives off some heat that goes back into the atmosphere. Some of it passes through and escapes into space.  Greenhouse gases and water vapor trap some of the heat and give it off again toward the Earth. 


Barba     The atmosphere protects us from dangerous rays produced by the sun. We can see part of the energy from the sun as light and feel part of it as heat.  But the sun also sends out other kinds of energy.  Some of these, like ultraviolet—or UV rays, can be harmful to living things.


Rei          UV radiation makes our skin turn red it we are in the sun too long.  UV rays also cause skin cancer in people if they are in the sun too much.


Barba     Very true, Rei.  Exposure to ultraviolet radiation causes damage to crop, plankton and fish larvae and causes sunburn, eye cataracts and skin cancer in humans.


GG          A gas in the atmosphere, called ozone, soaks up almost all of the UV rays from the sun, but some still get through. 

                Some chemicals we use go up into the atmosphere and destroy part of the layer of ozone that protects us from UV radiation. Most of these are CFCs. CFC stands for chlorofluorocarbon. These chemicals can be used in air conditioners, refrigerators and some aerosol cans.



Barba     Almost all countries on Earth have agreed to stop putting CFCs into the atmosphere. The ozone layer that covers the Earth functions as a shield against ultraviolet radiation from the sun.


GG          Fossil fuels, like coal and gasoline, come from plants and animals that died millions of years ago. When we burn fossil fuels, carbon dioxide goes back into the atmosphere.  Because of the greenhouse effect, there is rapid increase in the earth’s temperature leading to high sea levels and extreme storms together with other climatic problems.


Barba  Behind the struggle to address global warming and climate change lies the increase in greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.







Eating Food and Healthy Living



GG          What did you eat for breakfast this morning?


Rei          Homemade scallion pancakes with a wobbly poached egg.


Lin          Pretty heavenly.


GG          When you had breakfast, you probably weren't thinking about powering your brain and your body,


Lin          Of course, not.


GG          Oh, sorry.  A little bit cranky today?  But that's exactly what your meal was doing. Food gives your body the fuel and raw materials it needs every day, especially in the morning. Just like a car needs gasoline you need energy to move, think and grow. The usable energy you get from food is measured in calories; the more calories a food has, the more energy it can supply.


Rei          Is more calories better?


GG     The amount of calories a person needs each day depends on his or her size and level of activity. The body stores extra calories as fat, which can be used later. It is important to have some body fat, but too much fat is unhealthy.

Calories are units used to measure energy in food. A calorie is defined as the amount of heat necessary to warm a kilogram of water (about one liter) by one degree Celsius.



Barba   Of course, food provides more than just energy. It supplies building materials, such as proteins and minerals, for muscles, bones, and other body parts. Food also has vitamins that help make energy available for muscles and the brain, and make other body functions possible.


Lin          How about flowers and trees?  They are also living things.


GG     The sun is the main source of energy for them.  Plants make all their own food from sunlight, water, air, and nutrients in soil. Instead, animals get the energy and other materials they need by eating plants or other animals.


Barba      Most of the food you eat is transported over long distances to reach your grocery store. They are generally either packed in boxes, cans and jars, or kept cold or frozen to keep them from spoiling. Food spoils when too many bacteria and other microbes are growing on it.


Rei          Eventually, this food will rot and smell bad. Sometimes, however, even food that looks and smells okay may not be safe to eat.


Barba      Cooking food kills bacteria and other microbes that can make you sick. It also makes food easier to digest.  Many food packages are printed with words like "use by" and a date. This information is provided to help you know whether foods are still good to eat.


Lin          I know that it's important to wash our hands after using the bathroom or before preparing food. Microbes on our hands could end up in our meal! They also can end up on knives, spoons, cutting boards, and other things we use to prepare food.


Barba      Perfect, Lin.  You are so nice.  That’s one of the good practices for Healthy Living.   Keep yourself safe by following them.


GG          Sometimes you hear about people getting "food poisoning." This means that they got sick from microbes in food. Avoid using the same knives and cutting boards for different raw foods, especially meats, fish, and poultry.


Rei Lin  We know it.







First Day at Class, Environmental Justice


GG     Welcome aboard, Rei and Lin.  We are very delighted to have you with



Rei       Hello GG.  I’m excited to be studying English here.


Lei         Hello GG.  The same goes for me, too.  Oh, I just can’t wait to study.


GG        You are selected among candidates who want to join this class to start studying English before everyone starts at your school.  I hope you can enjoy the lesson learning many things in English which are happening in our daily life. 

Oh, let me introduce Barba who will take care of you while you are here.



Barba   Hi Rei and Lin, I’m very happy you come to us.  Please let me know whenever you need my help.  Before I forget, I’ve got to book restaurant for welcome lunch.  Do you have any preference? 


Rei        Thank you, Barba.  Anything is fine for me.


Lin        Misomaru is the best ramen noodle restaurant in this town. Creamy miso ramen.  Sounds like yummy!  Yum-yum!


Barba   You love ramen so as your Mom does, don’t you?  We should leave a little bit earlier to avoid heavy traffic.


GG        Some researchers say that English acquisition skills peak at or before the age of 6 or 7. Others claim that this window extends through puberty. But, they all agree that it’s much harder for a child beyond puberty to learn a new language.  Anyway, the younger you start learning English, the more you develop a native-like accent.

Without further ado, let’s go on to the main subject.



Rei        What should we do?


GG        Nothing special.  We just think and learn things in English together.  Today, we are going to learn about the environment, or the world around you – from the air we breathe to the water we drink – and how you can make a difference!


Rei        It sounds complicated.


Barba   But, it’s just studying how our health is changed by things in the environment.


Lin        What do you mean by “environment”?


Barba   Environment is what is all around you.  Environment is everything that you touch, eat, and breathe every day.


GG        The environment refers to everything around you.  It is your home, your school, and where you play.  It includes your friends’ and grandparents’ homes, and any other places that you visit.


Barba   It includes the lake where you might swim or fish, like Kizaki Lake in Oh-machi, the places where your food is grown or prepared, and even the places your drinking water travels through on its way to your home.


Rei        I think the opportunity to have a healthy life often depends on where someone lives, plays, and works.


GG        Yes, it depends on their environment!  So, it is important that all environments are free of unhealthy materials.


Barba   So, Environmental Justice specifically refers to being sure that everyone has a fair chance of finding housing, employment, and a good education, all in a safe and protected environment.


Lin        Environmental Justice?


Barba   Justice means fair treatment – fair treatment for everyone!


Rei        Environmental Justice means making sure that everyone has a fair chance of living the healthiest life possible.  Am I right?  


GG        Exactly.  I’m sure you agree that everyone should feel safe where they live, play, and go to school.  Environmental justice is an important part of the struggle to improve and maintain a clean and healthful environment, especially for those who have traditionally lived, worked and played closest to the source of pollution.






今回紹介するは、「ADHDに関する7つの間違った神話」です。(7 Myths About ADHD… Debunked!  By Additude Editors



A good spanking


Arm oneself with facts


Bad parenting


We’ve heard ’em all: “ADHD isn’t real.” “That kid just needs a good spanking.” “People with ADHD are just lazy.” These myths about ADHD have been around as long as the condition itself, and the negative effect they have is very real — and very damaging. Learn the truth and arm yourself with facts to refute the next misinformed comment you hear about “bad parenting.”






露骨な  ありのままの

Few psychological conditions have generated more discussion in recent years than attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Yet, people continue to harbor many inaccurate beliefs — and some downright myths — about ADHD. Read on to learn the truth.



A legitimate diagnosis


Psychologists and psychiatrists


Research shows that

研究が を明らかにする

Chemical messengers






Organizational skill


Myth #1: ADHD isn’t a real medical disorder.

ADHD has been recognized as a legitimate diagnosis by major medical, psychological, and educational organizations, including the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Department of Education. The American Psychiatric Association recognizes ADHD as a medical disorder in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders— the official mental health “bible” used by psychologists and psychiatrists.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (formerly known as just attention deficit disorder) is biologically based. Research shows that it’s a result of an imbalance of chemical messengers, or neurotransmitters, within the brain. Its primary symptoms are inattention, impulsiveness, and, sometimes, hyperactivity.

People with ADHD typically have a great deal of difficulty with aspects of daily life, including time management and organizational skills.





Address the special needs


Myth #2: Children who are given special accommodations because of their ADHD are getting an unfair advantage.

The federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that public schools address the special needs of all children with disabilities, including children with ADHD. Special accommodations, such as extra time on tests, simply level the playing field so that kids with ADHD can learn as successfully as their classmates.




Outgrow one’s condition


In adolescence

青年期に (思春期:puberty 成人期:adulthood

One in four


Seek treatment


Be vulnerable to

~の危険にさらされている ~に脆弱である

Mood disorder


Substance abuse


Myth #3: Children with ADHD eventually outgrow their condition.

More than 70 percent of the individuals who have ADHD in childhood continue to have it in adolescence. Up to 50 percent will continue to have it in adulthood.

Although it’s been estimated that 6 percent of the adult population has ADHD, the majority of those adults remain undiagnosed, and only one in four of them seek treatment. Yet, without help, adults with ADHD are highly vulnerable to mood disorders, anxiety, and substance abuse. They often experience career difficulties, legal and financial problems, and troubled personal relationships.




The symptoms caused by the disorder


Myth #4: ADHD affects only boys.

Girls are just as likely to have ADHD as are boys, and gender makes no difference in the symptoms caused by the disorder. But because this myth persists, boys are more likely to be diagnosed than girls.




Blurt things out


The problem is rooted in


Myth #5: ADHD is the result of bad parenting.

When a child with ADHD blurts things out or gets out of his seat in class, it’s not because he hasn’t been taught that these behaviors are wrong. It’s because he cannot control his impulses. The problem is rooted in brain chemistry, not discipline. In fact, overly strict parenting — which may involve punishing a child for things he can’t control — can actually make ADHD symptoms worse. Professional interventions, such as drug therapy, psychotherapy, and behavior modification therapy, are usually required.





Be effective at


Myth #6: Children who take ADHD medication are more likely to abuse drugs when they become teenagers.

Actually, it’s just the opposite. Having untreated ADHD increases the risk that an individual will abuse drugs or alcohol. Appropriate treatment reduces this risk.

The medications used to treat ADHD have been proven safe and effective over more than 50 years of use. These drugs don’t cure ADHD, but they are highly effective at easing symptoms of the disorder. The drugs do not turn kids into drug abusers or “zombies.”




Never amount to anything


Myth #7: People who have ADHD are stupid or lazy — they never amount to anything.

People with ADHD are often of above-average intelligence, recent studies show. They certainly aren’t lazy. In fact, many well-known, high-achieving individuals from the past are thought to have had ADHD, including Mozart, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, George Bernard Shaw, and Salvador Dali. The list of high-achieving people with ADHD in business today includes top executives, such as David Neeleman, founder of JetBlue Airways, and Paul Orfalea, founder of Kinko’s.

神話その7:ADHDの人は愚かで怠け者 ろくな人間にならない。

