
英語によるビジネス会議やプレゼンテーションで使える表現を身につけよう。 ”クール”と言わせるズバリ表現を紹介。● EMBRACE      

✔ Preparation for English Study in the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
✔ Vocabulary and phrases for making English presentations.
✔ Useful English Phrases for Running Business Meetings.


映画「スーパーマンII冒険篇」(原題Superman II)は、クリストファー・リーヴ主演の1981年のアメリカ映画作品で、1978年「スーパーマン」の続編となります。スーパーマンの故郷であったクリプトン星から追放された反逆者3人組との死闘と同僚女性記者との恋愛を描いた娯楽映画です。




You three criminals have been caught in a further act of seditious treason. General Zod, your only feeling was contempt for our society. Your only desire was to command. Ursa, the only feeling you showed was for your vicious general. Your only wish, to rule at his side. Non, you are as without thought as you are without voice.
Be caught in the act 現行犯で捕まる
seditious treason
be contempt for


Here, I'll just get the door for you.
Yeah, thanks...
Get the doorドアを押さえる


Hi, Alice. That's a very pretty blouse you're wearing today...
Catch you later, Clark.
Catch you laterまた後で


Get your heads out of the clouds.
Where have you been?
Get one’s heads out of the clouds ぼけてんじゃないよ


So far, the hostages are unharmed.
Tourists, about 20 of them.
That's just penny ante stuff.
penny ante stuff 取るに足りないもの


If the French government doesn't meet their demands…..they've got a Hydrogen bomb to level Paris.
Level 跡形もなくする


Get to the morgue. I want to know everything there is on terrorism...
The morgue 参考資料室


Does Lois know about this yet?
Does she know about it? She's in it!
She's what?
When the story broke, I bundled her on the first Concorde.
If Paris might go kablooey, I want my best reporter there.
Be in it 深く入り込んでいる
The story breaks
Go kablooey


Don't worry, if I know Lois Lane, she'll not only come back.....with a Pulitzer Prize story, but a one-on-one interview......with the hydrogen bomb titled: "What Makes Me Tick."  Now don't stand around, Kent...
make someone tick (人)を動かす
stand around


How did they get up there?
They were disguised as workers to do repairs.
Be disguised 変装する


Can you say why they released the first hostages?
We insist they do this to show good faith.
If not, we refuse to negotiate.
Will they release the other hostages?
In return for a guarantee that we will not launch an attack on them.
show good faith 誠意を示す
launch an attack on


Should we have let the hostages go?
They'll give in to us as soon as we plant the bomb.
give in to ~に降伏する
plant the bomb


Get ready.
Come on
We'll cut the lead cable when we get the word.
get the word知らせを受ける


Have you ever heard of crosswalks?
Yeah, but you know, I mean...
Do you have any idea how stupid that was?
crosswalks 横断歩道


Maybe you ought to get your glasses checked.
Not everybody can have "x-ray vision," you know.
Do I detect a note of jealousy in that voice?
detect a note of jealousy in ~に嫉妬の雰囲気を見つける


Jealousy? No, not me.

Golly Lois, what are you doing?

When was the last time you heard me sneeze?
You are never going to hear me sneeze again!
Hear someone sneeze (人)がクシャミをしているのを聞く


And Clark, you don't have to be jealous.
I don't?
No, you've got so much going for you.
I do?
Get so much going for you 有利がことが沢山ある


Clark......you know that I wouldn't say all those things if I didn't really care.

You do?

What else are friends for?  

What else are friends for友達なら当然でしょう


This is how it ends for the greatest criminal mind of our time.
Not with a whimper. Not with a bang.
How do they choose to reward Lex Luthor......the greatest genius in this world?
Do they give him glory or treasure?
the greatest criminal mind of our time 現代の犯罪心理の権威
Not with a whimper. Not with a bang


Every man has his vulnerable point.
Some, like you Otis, have more than one.
Have one’s vulnerable point 脆弱な部分がある


Andy is out doing the geological survey…
…more rocks.
And Cosmonaut Boris is getting some soil samples.


By the way, Boris and I are engaged.

I had a feeling about you guys when I saw your Rorschach tests.

Just a little detente humor there, Houston.

Rorschach testsロールシャッハ(インクの染み)テスト

a little detente humor デタント(東西の緊張緩和)な洒落


Surface conditions unchanged?

It's mighty pretty out there. Mighty.....pretty.

mighty pretty 非常に美しい

out there 並外れて


What's a "curl"?
Isn't that what the old Canaveral guys used to call a comet on an east-west trajectory?
an east-west trajectory東西の軌道


Lights out, Luthor. I said, "Lights out!"

You guys are about ten seconds away from solitary, you know that?

be ten seconds away from あと10秒で~となる



What is it?

It's a ladder, you dummy.

you dummyこのとんま


If you'd like to carry Mrs. Smith over the threshold...


It's sort of traditional.

carry the bride over the threshold of new home 花嫁を抱いて新居の敷居をまたぐ


Can you believe this?

Posing as newlyweds to expose a honeymoon racket in Niagara Falls!

Newlyweds 新婚夫婦

A honeymoon racket ハネムーン悪徳商法


Lex, how could you do that to Otis?
What else is ballast for?
What else is ballast for バラスト(気球の砂袋)だから仕方ない


I have a one-track mind, don't I?
My one-track mind's telling me that I'm hungry.
a one-track mind ひとつのことしか考えられない頭


After many eons of harmony, there appeared among us three rebel elements
... what you would call on Earth, "criminals."
Criminals? My kind of people.
Eons 長い年月
Rebel elements
my kind of


Despite all our efforts, we were unable to change their evil natures, their evil ways.
As you know, we hath no death penalty.
Therefore, our scientists constructed......"The Phantom Zone".
In it, we placed these three arch-criminals....
imprisoning them there for all eternity.
No possibility for parole?
hath(古)haveの3人称 単数 現在形
arch-criminals 凶悪な犯罪者

Parole 仮釈放


On Krypton, these villains were uncontrollable.
On Earth, they would have the same powers, each one of them... that you have.
Villains 悪党


I've got to admit, your disguise is nearly perfect.
You had me fooled.  And I am nobody's fool, believe me.
No, of course not.
You just have an active imagination.
You get carried away sometimes.
Disguise 変装
Have got to admit
Nobody’s fool
Get carried away


If I'm right, you'll turn into Superman.
If I'm wrong......you've got yourself one hell of a story.
Get a story ネタを手に入れる
One hell of 


So, this is planet Houston?  A very strange surface.
A primitive sort of life form.  Did you see that?  Did you see what I did?
I have powers beyond reason here.
We all have them, my dear.
Life form 生命体
Beyond reason


We can't talk here. Perry will call at about 6:00 to find out what's happening.
"What's happening"?
That's the understatement of the year.
the understatement of the year 実に控えめな言い方


I can't eat beans.
I come out in a rash if I eat beans.
Come out in (吹き出物など)が顔に出る
a rash


I don't know, from the look of them, I'll bet $10 they're from Los Angeles.
Hey, hippies! Get your butts off the road!
From the look of ~の様子から見て


Duane, you take care of it.
You got to learn to kick ass, if you want to be a peacemaker.
Kick ass


Let's just hold hands.
Let me know if this tickles.
Tickle くすぐる


...you're going to spit teeth!  Get up!
What the sam hill?
Spit teeth 前歯を吐く
What the sam hill


Listen, tonight, sky's the limit.
Anything you want.
Sky’s the limit なんでもできる


Good morning, America.

This is East Houston, Idaho...

...until yesterday,

another middle American town...

...that middle America had forgotten.


But today the population, exaggerated reports put it at 123...has increased by three.  And these three new arrivals bring destruction in their wake.
Put it at ~と見積もる
In one’s wake


We've got a slight crack in that diode.
- Come in on him if you can.
- Try to wiggle it.
wiggle 小刻みに揺する


Be nice to them, my dear.
Blow them a kiss.
Be nice to 仲良くする
Blow a kiss


Your lands, your possessions, your very lives......will gladly be given in tribute to me, General Zod! In return for your obedience...you will enjoy my generous protection.
In tribute to ~に敬意を表して
In return for


Thousands of hours to create, and they defaced it in seconds.
Imagine what they'll do to the world if we resist.
Deface ~の外観を損なう


You are the one they call President?
I am.
I see you are practiced in worshipping things that fly.
Be practiced in 躾けられている


But there is one man here on Earth who will never kneel before you.
Who is this imbecile? Where is he?
I wish I knew.
Imbecile 愚か者


What would you folks like?
I'd like a cheeseburger with everything on it and a Coke...and an order of fries and a side salad, please.
For you, sir?
I'll think about it when I get back.
An order of fries フライドポテト一人前


My Coke, please.

Coming up.

Coming up 出来たよ


Now listen, your steak's coming right up.
Keep it on the flame
This is just a minute steak.
A minute steak 薄切りのステーキ


Boy, you just don't have enough sense to stay down do you? 
Have enough sense to ~するだけの思慮分別が備わっている

Stay downダウンしていろ


On behalf of my country and in the name of the other leaders of the world with whom I have today consulted, I hereby abdicate all authority and control over this planet to General Zod.
abdicate 放棄する

Come to me, Superman! If you dare!
I defy you!
Come! Come and kneel before Zod!
If you dare 勇気があるなら


Lex Luthor. You may know the name. The greatest criminal mind on Earth.
I told you this was a puny planet.
Wait, just a moment. Wait until you get to know me better, will you, please?
Wait, I can give you anything you want. I can give you the brass ring,
the unlimited freedom to maim, kill, destroy.

Puny ちっぽけな
The brass ring


As it turns out, I have this affinity for beachfront property.
What do you want?
Have this affinity for 近親感がある


I can't understand it!

Where is he? He shows up every time a cat gets stuck in a tree...

...and now he's decided to pull a disappearing act?

Pull a disappearing act 姿を消す、ドロンを決め込む


How brilliant do you have to be?
I mean...Superman's got something up his sleeve, that's for sure.
get something up one’s sleeve 密かに用意している


He'll be here!
If it's at all possible, he'll be here.
If at all possible 少しでも可能性があるなら


You promised me the son of Jor-El.

Yes, your Grace.

Your grace 閣下


Know what I mean?
What an undemanding male this Superman must be.
You could use a tuck here and there.
undemanding 多くを求めない
Could use a tuck


This "super" man is nothing of the kind.

I've discovered his weakness.

He cares. He actually cares for these Earth people.

Nothing of the kind 決してそのようなものでない


I'll draw his fire.
With some of my own.
Get out of here! The rig's going to blow!
Draw one’s fire 反発を呼ぶ(挑発する)


Superman, help us!

I never thought this thing would go the distance.

You people, get back.

Go the distance 最後の一線を越える


Let's get them!

Come on, let's go!

Let’s get them あいつらを捕まえよう


He chickened out
Superman didn't even do nothing!
Come on, let's go!
Chicken out 怖気づく
Didn’t do nothing
スラング(= didn’t do anything


What am I going to do with you people?
I held up my end, I delivered the Blue Boy.
What do I get from my triple threat?
"Bow, yield, kneel," that kind of stuff closes out a town.
hold up one’s end (役割を)きちんと果たす
that kind of stuff
close out


Kill me? Lex Luthor? Extinguish the greatest criminal flame of our age?
Eradicate the only man on earth with...
Kill him!
Eradicate with ~で根絶する


Ever heard of parachutes?
Another small step for mankind.
So morbid.
A sentimental replica of a planet long since vanished.
No style at all.
Scruffy みすぼらしい
No style


Now...the son of Jor-El will be my slave.
If not, the millions of earthlings you protect will pay for your defiance.
Earthlings 地球人
Pay for your defiance


Don't go in there, it's a trap
You poisonous snake!
Poisonous snake 毒蛇


I mean the lights were on out here...while he was safe in there!
You know, something?
You're a real pain in the neck!
A pain in the neck 厄介者


Let's wipe the slate clean.
If you give me a ride back, I promise to turn over a new leaf.
Wipe the slate clean 過去のことを水に流す
Turn over a new leaf


I sat up all night listening to the voices of reason.
You know how vile it is to hear the first bird of the morning...
...when you've been crying all night?
The voices of reason 理性の声


You're kind of a tough act to follow, you know?
I'm going to be fine, you don't have to worry about me.
A tough act to follow 凄すぎて誰も追随できない人


- You all right?
- I just got so dizzy.
That's what happens when I don't have my orange juice
- I'm fine.
- Breathe.
- I'm breathing, for heaven's sake
Get dizzy めまいがする
For heaven’s sake






Getting a second dog


Rei        I want to get a second dog.


Barba   What is your reason for wanting a second dog?  You already have your dog, Mofu.


Rei        I can’t help but feel sorry for Mofu as she is left alone while I am at school every day.


GG        Well, the honest answer is…yes and no. Dogs are social animals and usually happier around other dogs, but a second dog will never be a substitute for inattentive, absent or too busy owners.


Rei        I leave long hours and a second dog will stop Mofu from missing me so much.


GG        While a second dog can potentially help in some regard with your concerns… they can also exacerbate them.  A new dog will never be a substitute for your time spent with your dog and will mean you have even less one-on-one time available for your dog.


Barba   Speaking of the cost, purchasing your second dog is just the start. All of your ongoing expenses for your first dog have now just doubled: pet food, rabies vaccination fees, unexpected medical expenses …


GG        A new dog will not necessarily make up for your absence—in fact you might just be doubling your trouble, with two dogs who pine for you and become destructive when left alone.


Barba   A second dog, regardless of age or breed, is extra work and you’ll need everyone in your family to help both dogs adjust to the change.


Lin        I want to take care of a second dog


GG        If your dog enjoys the company of other dogs the second dog has a much better chance of fitting into your home.  A second dog can be double the joy if it is done correctly and for the right reasons.


Rei        I am sure Mofu will be happy if she can get a younger sister.


Barba   Dogs are pack animals, meaning they have an instinct to live among a group. It is not natural for a dog to be alone and it can sometimes be hard for them to accept it.


GG        They look at the world differently than humans. To them, there must be an order in their group, a leader, a boss of the household. In their minds, everyone must have a place, from the leader on down to the lowest member of their group.


Barba   When dogs live with humans, the humans become their pack. Dogs must be shown they are last in the pack order.


Lin        What does "last in the order" mean?


GG        It means the dog looks at all the other humans in the family as the bosses, his leaders. He will happily follow their commands and accept that they are his bosses. Believe it or not, dogs are very happy to be last in the pack order.


Barba   It is very common for a dog to be perfectly behaved while you are home, yet destructive and untrustworthy while you are away.


GG        So, what can we do to help our dogs cope with living among a busy human household that must leave him behind on a regular basis? Whether you have one dog or a whole pack of dogs, a long, daily walk is paramount. Not just tossing a ball or running around the yard, but a real walk, jog or hike.


Rei        We absolutely walk two dogs every day.


Barba   I have heard of countless stories of old dogs becoming active again, playing with the younger dog, and a skittish dog coming out of its shell when introduced to a second dog. Sometimes dogs are just happier living with another fellow K-9.


GG        A general good rule for adding a new dog is, when you take in new dog you make sure the new dog has the same or lower energy level than the current dogs and is middle of the road or a submissive type.


Barba   I am sure Mofu enjoys the company of another dog.


GG        If your mother agrees to get a second dog, we can help you with the settling in process.











フランク               He's a cop.


サッチ                   A cop?


フランク               Jack Shepard.

                               He's a detective at the 15th Precinct.

                               l swear, Satch.




サッチ                   And you got all of this from the guy on the radio.

                               From your son in the future.



フランク               Yeah.  As nuts as that sounds, yeah.

                               You got to listen to me, Satch.

                               You got to open up your mind....

                               You got to understand what l am saying.





サッチ                   You got something going on with this girl...that's one thing.

                               But you got to tell me.  Are you listening to me?

                               You're in a world of shit.

                               An eyewitness puts you outside the dead girl's apartment.

                               Your prints are all over the place...

                               not to mention, the goddamn driver's licence.

                               Chuck is getting a search warrant for your house.

                               What's he going to find there?









フランク               Nothing.


サッチ                   You got to give me something,

                               something l can believe.



フランク               What if l can prove it to you?


サッチ                   How's that?


フランク               World Series.

                               Where are they right now? What, fourth, fifth inning?

                               What if l was to tell you...

                               that in the bottom of the sixth inning...

                               the Mets are going to be down three-zip?

                               And Cleon Jones, he's going to come to bat.

                               He's going to get hit in the foot by a wild pitch.

                               And it's going to leave a shoe polish mark on the ball.

                               Hear me out, all right?

                               He goes to first.

                               Clendendon comes up.

                               He's going to hit a two-two pitch into the left-field bleachers.












サッチ                   This is insane, Frank.


フランク               ln the bottom of the seventh,

                               Weis hits a solo home run.....

                               and then Jones and Swoboda score in the eighth.

                               The Mets, they're going to win, five to three.

                               Go watch.  lf they don't happen, l am a liar.






サッチ                   Watch the game?


フランク               Watch the game.


サッチ                   Frank, they're going to make you for Sissy Clark's murder.

                               And they're going to match that with the Nightingale murders.

                               Do you understand what that means?

                               (knocking at the door)




